Business Loan

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Address: H-1, 2nd Floor, K.L.R.Complex, No.624-625 Crosscut Road, Tatabad(P.O), Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
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Business Details: Andromeda Sales and Distribution Pvt. Ltd. It is India’s largest distributor of loans, mortgage, financing and financial instruments such as credit cards, home loans, unsecured business loans, and car loans. Since 1991, Andromeda has disbursed several financial products to individuals such as home loans, personal loans, loan against property. For businesses, Andromeda provides products such as unsecured dropline overdraft, unsecured business loan, secured business loan (working capital). Andromeda is a DSA or a loan distributor for banks and financial institutions to meet your financing needs.
(Images have been enclosed)
Business Landline: 04224713494
Business Mobile Number: 9962115666
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Contact Person: Sundarrajan P K A
Long Business Description:

Andromeda Sales and Distribution Pvt. Ltd. It is India’s largest distributor of loans, mortgage, financing and financial instruments such as credit cards, home loans, unsecured business loans, and car loans. Since 1991, Andromeda has disbursed several financial products to individuals such as home loans, personal loans, loan against property. For businesses, Andromeda provides products such as unsecured drop line overdraft, unsecured business loan, secured business loan (working capital). Andromeda is a DSA or a loan distributor for banks and financial institutions to meet your financing needs.